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Find Title Tag Must be Within

Deepak Mar 30, 2025

Html Title tag <title> represents title of document. Title tag is one of the required tags in html document which should be well explanatory about the document.

Title tag is important for a user's visiting document (HTML page or any kind of document) as well as for search engines to identify Document. The title must contain text. Page title defined within the title tag shown on the browser's title bar.

In the current article we are going to learn the title tag must be within along with relevant queries. Let's begin our learning in the following steps :

Where should we define the title tag in a document?

Title tag must define within the HEAD section of the html document.

HEAD tag contains all metadata for the document such as character set, title, scripts, stylesheet, links and SEO metadata etc.

Title tag within head tag defined as below

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

<title>Find Title Tag Must be Within | QuizCure</title>

<meta property="og:description" content="Find Title Tag Must be Within">
<meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="Find Title Tag Must be Within" />

Title tag text : Find Title Tag Must be Within | QuizCure

Used current page title for demonstration purpose. We can see the same title is shown on the browser tab as well.

What if the title tag is missing?

Not a good practise.

Page Title helps site visitors and search engines to identify what the page (document) is about. Missing titles is certainly NOT good for SEO. Also title is the most important html document tag which is used to put focused primary keywords.

Search engines might inherit parent page title (if available) or partial page content as a title for missing title page.

Page title shown as headline in search result therefore missing title is not good for user experience, social sharing and SEO. Therefore it is strongly recommended to add a title tag.

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